Lesson Pricing & Signing Up
At Yamaha Music School you can choose to have lessons on either a one to one basis or in a group environment. Learning in a group is great fun and will always be our recommended way to learn. However this is not for everyone and certain instruments are taught only on a one to one basis. So if you choose to one to one can be selected.
Lesson payments are split into 12 monthly payments making it easier to budget from month to month.
£69.00 per month
30 minute lessons, on a one to one basis.
38 Lessons per yearLessons provided during school term time.
Unlimited Access to MUSAGO!

£59.00 per month
1 hour lessons, in groups of up to 8 children.
38 Lessons per year provided during school term time.
Unlimited access to MUSAGO!

Once you have discussed lessons with one of our team and decided a start date then its time to sign up. At this point we need you to complete our student sign up and set up 'GoCardless' for your payments. Please click the button below and this will guide you through the process.